12 reasons your legal assistant wants you to ditch the pen and paper

Home 9 Technology 9 12 reasons your legal assistant wants you to ditch the pen and paper

Law is an area of practice and study where change can be slow. The many rules of law stack on other rules and regulations so that changing one thing often requires changing many other things. Law is a profession that adheres strongly to doing things in a prescribed way, consistently looking back on how things have been done to determine how things will continue to be done. Tradition can be hard to break.

Technology – and how our society uses it – is the opposite! Technology is changing so fast and improving on areas that need it so efficiently that it is hard to ignore its use in law. The courts have already begun to embrace technology when it comes to filing documents, serving other parties and even conducting full electronic trials. Have you embraced technology?

DGW Law is proudly a paperless office. Here are our top twelve reasons why we love this choice:

  1. It saves trees! We love trees.
  2. It saves space. Storing the bulk of your files electronically requires far less physical space. Your office should be an office, not a storage facility.
  3. Emails can be tracked, verified, filed away and recalled with the click of a mouse – paper notes cannot.
  4. We constantly use keyboard shortcuts like copy/paste to save time. We can’t copy/paste your handwritten notes!
  5. Saving time = saving money! It is infinitely easier and faster to read Times New Roman than to decipher your short hand. Similarly, doing a search on the office server is way faster than sifting through hundreds of physical files containing thousands of pieces of paper.
  6. With the time saved on deciphering handwritten notes and sifting through stacks of paper, we are freed up for more important tasks.
  7. It is convenient for clients, too. Sending an email with information or a secure link to a set of documents is much more convenient than having a client come in to the office, and less expensive than using a courier.
  8. No more coffee stained memos!
  9. It makes it easier to work remotely if all our notes and documents are electronic.
  10. It is more reliable. When things get busy, as they do, there is less chance of something being missed or forgotten if we can track things digitally. Electronic reminders and customized action items are more dependable than referencing handwritten instructions.
  11. There are hundreds of free or low-cost online apps and software options to increase efficiency, consistency, and productivity; let us use them!
  12. Papercuts. ‘Nuff said.

So, what are you waiting for? Embrace tech today!